Woman at the Well, Introduction: Hey! God Likes You!
This is a personal introduction to a series on three of the Bible's well-women. These stories have a lot to say both to each other, and to us even though they were written hundreds of years apart.
My Turn came on April 24, 2021, so I sat next to a stranger at CVS, waiting together for our vaccines. Our pre-placed chairs were definitely closer than 6 feet apart. My cranky, COVID-weary brain complained. “What, now that I’m getting jabbed, this is ok?” But my face has a mind of its own, and it smiled at the man who did not end up giving me Covid. What did end up happening felt slightly miraculous: I had a spontaneous conversation with someone outside my COVID bubble.
And it was a good one. We talked about the portrayal of Sherlock Holmes in various TV series and the merits of each. The man knew his mysteries, but he was interested in my thoughts, too. There was give and take. Respect. Fun. I came away with a sore arm, recommendations for further viewing, and life-giving joy.
The next story we’re studying has a similar joy in connection. Jesus has a “chance” meeting with a woman at a well, and their conversation has many of the same elements mine did that day. Afterward, she goes to tell everyone about it. (My husband can confirm, he heard all about my new vaccine friend.) And Jesus is so amped about it, he doesn’t even want the take-out the disciples bring him. I love that he’s so full of life after time spent with her. It has lots to do with fulfilling his mission, but I also think he just delights in their time together. He delights in her. What an idea: God delights in us.
We all need a bit of delight these days, so here you go!
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